In the lecture Sir Ken Robinson has many interesting points about creativity and how the education system can sometime hinder the development of children creativity. I know and understand what he means but I do not agree with him in many of his major points. For starters I do believe there in a time and place of creativity in the schools but it can not over shadow the real reason why children are in school and that is to get an education. I think I almost vomited when he said, "Creativity is just as important as literacy." I sorry but if I am trying to hire someone I want someone that can read and write over someone that can paint me a picture or sing me a song. I guess that the difference between me and him but you can not put a price of some one's education. It is something that no one can take away from you and it is something that is always evolving since you are always learning new information.
I believe the time and place for creativity should be in after school programs or maybe in a limited amount of time during school. I just do not see the benefit of taking away the roots of education to allow time for stuff that kids can do on their own and does not require a trained professional such as a teacher. A teacher's time can just be better used for other actives other than helping a student to be creative.
I strongly agree with Sir Ken Robinson because creativity is a major part of education to me. As a teacher I would like to be able to see individuality and not just students that can sit there and memorize the work I sit in front of them. School is where you grow and develope into the person you are going to become. I feel like if students were able to be creative then maybe school systems would not have as many behavior problems as they do, because creativity helps you to express who you are. The school system in my opinion is teaching us how to be wonderful students, but who is going to be a student for the rest of their life. It seems that the school system is geared to teach you to be still, be quiet, turn in your work on time, memorize this for your test and memorize that, and that is not the way it should be. Rules, creativity, and education all work together to make people who they are and who they will become.