Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Vision of Students Today

In the short video entitled "A Vision of Students Today," the creators once again decided to bash the education system that we know today. Yes I agree it is old and outdated but it is all we have. For there to be a total overhaul of the education system would take years and cost billions of dollars that the United States does not have. The national debt in the U.S. as of 9/12/10 is $13,455,924,064,871.34 ( That figure along is so large I cant even say the number. So you know what happens when the Government cant pick up the tab? It falls back of the tax payer's and the people that pay tuition. I'm not bashing technology I'm just a realist and understand how expensive it is. The one thing I do agree with is that it will be our generation that has to change the system and we will also be the ones to pick up the tab for this system overhaul.

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