Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog Post #9

Mr. McClung's seems to be someone that really enjoys his job and looks forward to going to it everyday. That reason alone is why Mr. McClung is probably a good teacher. He really had a lot of interesting points that really stuck with me. For starters I liked how he discussed how his lesson where centered around his students. He did not care if his peers like his style as long as the students where picking it up. He also said lesson plans are always changing and not to get upset if to had to change them up some. Just be flexible was the phrase he used. Then he went into one of my personal beliefs which is communicate. People work together so much better when they communicate. Mr. McClung continued by discussing why you should not set your students expectations to high. They are still children and failure to they does not always work. Finally he ended by say "Never stop learning." I totally agree with this comment. If you are not learning you are not living.


  1. I also enjoyed Mr. McClung's lessons. He shared with us what he learned and how to relate to the mistakes when we become teachers one of these days. Teachers are said to be life long learners and he pointed it out in the blog. I hope you benefit from his lessons and good luck on your first year!

  2. I think that Mr. McClung was able to learn such valuable lessons because of the fact that the first line in your reflection was not always true. I bet he learned the most significant solutions from the days that weren't his best. I could be wrong... What do you think?
